I recently attended the Cincinnati (Western & Southern) Open tennis tournament in Ohio, hoping to see the top names in both men’s and women’s tennis. At the top of the list was seeing Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer play, displaying their vastly different but equally engaging styles of play. I got to see all that and more. I could begin at the beginning, but I figure we may as well start with a bang. After all, Rafael knows how to give the people what they want, so why shouldn’t I do the same?
So, we start with a famous Rafa shirt change. The man even indulges his slobbering fans with a sexy shirt change during his practice sessions, which is when this lovely event took place. It was a warm and sunny Sunday, Rafa was hot and sweaty, and after slamming many, many balls across the court he needed a wardrobe change. In light of his gorgeous abs, biceps and beautifully tanned legs, we will not mention the headband. Well. Maybe only a little. *G*
(Note: ALL pics are *clickable* for big, sometimes HUGE versions. Enjoy soaking up the Rafa prettiness. I apologize for the blurriness of some images. The combo of the age of my little camera and the excitement over capturing Rafa nudity contributed to a bit of fuzziness (aside from Rafa’s natural fuzziness in some areas ;), but I think you’ll enjoy the images nonetheless.)
PHOTOS: c2011 The Shrine to Actors. Please link to this page, rather than reposting the photos elsewhere. If you have a tennis, celeb or Rafa blog and link to this page, I can give your blog or page a link back in this post in return. Thank you!
Step 1 of the shirt change can be seen above. The removal of the sweaty shirt. Easy enough, no?
Step 2: Now we have the dirty shirt on the ground. Now we must reach into the bag and look for…stuff.
Step 3: Now we must show off the shoulder muscles, the pecs, abs, and muscled arms. And you know, point the tennis racquet handle at other interesting areas. *ahem*
Step 4: Now we must look into the other bag for…stuff. And look. And look. And show off our gorgeous ribcage and rippling muscles and bulging arms. You know. The usual.
Women are swooning, cameras are flashing, and still. The search continues.
These above give you a peek at how that left bicep bulges more than the right…now let us think of those monster forehand shots…*g-guh*
Step 5: Now we must decide. Stuff in bag 1 or stuff in bag 2. Hmm. Let’s move the towel first.
Step 6: Take off tennis headband and completely tousle damp hair.
Step 7: Rub glistening body with towel. Show off fluffy hair sans headband. (Just a little French, in case Roger is reading, you know. *G*)
Step 8: Choose shirt from bag 1. I really like this shot because it shows off his bronzed skin better–the photos are all a bit too light, but I didn’t want to darken them appropriately and lose your view of the muscle definition. Just trust me. After those weeks off on the beach, relaxing, Rafa was a deep reddish-brown beauteous delight. Let the drooling commence.
Step 9: Start out with shirt on backwards. Then slowly figure out how to properly put on a shirt.
Step 10: Do NOT finish putting on shirt. Wait for all the twittering to begin in the stands as drooling men and women realize you have a new shirt on, but are still showing off your gorgeous flesh.
Step 11: Saunter across the court, shirt still half on. Give the fans a side view of your lusciously curving ass.
Step 12: Smile coyly, while girls sigh dreamily. You evil, evil tease.
Step 13: Show off the sensual cords of muscle in your back, and throw in the bonus of the beautiful Rafa bum complete with white undies showing through your slightly sheer shorts.
Step 14: The show, it is over, my friends. Now you must admire my form as I play tennis, instead of just gawking at my cut abs. Lo siento.
So, there you have it, dear readers. Fourteen steps to a Rafael Nadal shirt change. I hope you enjoyed the lovely, shirtless Rafa and his little strip show. He knows you enjoyed it, of course. That’s why he keeps doing them. Rafa may be sweet, and a little reserved, and humble, but he is not shy. And that’s okay with us.
Stay tuned for more Rafa goodness. Sweaty Rafa goodness, I might add. _thud_ While you’re waiting, you can drool over the mountain of Rafael pretteh over at Vamos Brigade.
PHOTOS: c2011 The Shrine to Actors. Please link to this page, rather than reposting the photos elsewhere. If you have a tennis or Rafa blog and link to this page, I’d be happy to give your blog or page a link back in this post. Thank you!