Sean Bean plays Eddard Stark in Game of Thrones. We begin the drooling with one of my favorites–Seanie’s profile. Love love love that man’s profile. We also get to begin the counting now, of how many screencaps show Sean with his mouth open. No wait. It’s probably easier to count the ones where his mouth isn’t open. Just remember, the mouth is open because he is just a breath away from a deep, rumbly Seanie growl. Grrrrr.
PLEASE NOTE: All caps are *clickable* for HUGE versions, so you can perv over every detail.
I’ve included two more caps so you can watch how his expression changes so much with just a flicker of the eyelids.
Let us enjoy powerful Eddard all wrapped up in fur and looking damn imposing.
It’s not quite as sexy as Boromir’s vambraces, but the gloves on those gorgeous hands of his, gripping a giant sword–ahem. Well. It’ll just have to do. And no, we won’t talk about where the other end of the sword is in these pictures. Don’t ruin the pretteh!
Now let’s watch Eddard interact with Cersei Lannister, played by the luscious Lena Headey.
Yes. You can all start swooning now, thinking about Seanie’s lips on your skin…
Now on to something just as lovely. Sean’s broad shoulders. Clad in tight leather. Rowrrrrr…*claws*
Let us drown in the green-eyed gaze and strawberry hair turned golden by the sun…
Are you still counting? *smirk*
Eddard with Benjen Stark (Joseph Mawle).
Seanie has a yummy scene here with Aidan Gillen, who you may know from The Wire or Queer as Folk (UK version). Aidan plays Petyr Baelish.
Excuse me while I wrap my arms around that leather-clad barrel chest. *tackles*
More delectable Sean. With his mouth open.
And. o.M.g. Lookit those EYES. Guh.
An exchange with what Eddard seems to think is an amusingly upstart blacksmith, Gendry (Joe Dempsie).
A tête–à–tête between two burly men. Can’t believe how different Mark Addy (as Robert Baratheon) looks.
More obsessive screen-capping of Seanie:
Eddard and Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley).
More of the glowing Seanie goodness. I enlarged the third one for maximum pleasure.
Okay. It’s the shoulders again. And a one-shoulder cape. And soft honey hair. Yes, I know it’s not real, but Legolas’ hair wasn’t real and we still all wanted to touch it. *guh*
The final Eddard pretteh. And his sword. Soak it up.
Some behind the scenes goodies from the Game of Thrones preview, including shots of those elegant, long-fingered hands:
And maybe even a little kissy-face…
And I leave you with one final image…Seanie with his shirt open, showing off his pretty, pale skin. It’s a little Sharpe nostalgia for you. And yes. Chicks dig scars.
Believe it or not, there is more Sean Bean goodness just waiting for you–and oh yes, he’s with Nikolaj…
PHOTOS: Game of Thrones screencaps, c2011 Home Box Office (HBO).
Thank you to IMDB and the Game of Thrones Wiki for casting information.

Can I just say that you are a GODDESS for posting all of these screenies of the Bean? I so love his portrayal of Eddard Stark with all of his conflicted integrity and duty and honor. He has such chemistry with Mark Addy and Michelle Fairley, and I absolutely adore his interaction with the wee gal who plays his younger daughter. Now to descend into my typical fangirliness: the Bean is the HAWT in those behind-the-scenes caps! I love the kissy face. You know how I feel about this mouth….gods above, he’s beautiful. Must go lie down on the floor and ice my wrists! xoxoxoxoxox
*big squish* Thank you for stopping by! So happy you enjoyed the Beanie goodness. The man is astounding, isn’t he? The author of the books, Martin, actually said that fans of his series have always preferred Sean as their pick for Ned Stark if the books went to movie or TV form. And so they asked Sean right away when it came to it, and he really IS perfect. He’s great at that tortured nobility, and I do like his loving but awkward interactions with his daughter. He admires her but doesn’t know exactly what to do with her…hah.
I had to do the behind the scenes caps…he’s so expressive. I know how you feel about his mouth, and you know how I feel about those long, elegant fingers of his. *G*
I hope to get some more screencaps of Seanie in GoT up soon!
Ned stark should have killed the traitor!